Privacy Policy


Incitec Pivot Limited致力于保护您的个人信息. 本隐私政策适用于Incitec Pivot Limited及其所有的全资子公司, and the expressions "we", "us" and "our" are a reference, collectively and individually, 转让给Incitec Pivot Limited及其所有的全资子公司.

1.  Introduction
This policy contains important information about:

  • ag亚游app网站如何遵守与个人信息相关的法律;
  • 收集个人信息(包括敏感信息和信用信息);
  • storing, using and disclosing personal information;
  • 访问、更正或更新您的个人信息;
  • credit reporting;
  • internet privacy;
  • childrens’ online privacy;
  • changes to this policy; and
  • our Privacy Contact.

    通过使用本网站或向ag亚游app网站提交您的个人信息, you consent to us collecting, 按照本政策规定的方式存储和使用您的个人信息.

    2.  How we comply with the law

    ag亚游app网站必须遵守经营所在国的法律. 本政策解释了ag亚游app网站如何根据这些法律处理个人信息.

    This policy does not apply to our acts and practices directly related to personal information about our current or former employees and their employment relationship with us.

    "Personal information" is used in this policy to refer to information or an opinion about an identified individual or an individual whose identity can reasonably be ascertained from the information, whether or not the information is recorded in a material form and whether or not the information is true.  个人信息还包括敏感信息和信用信息.

    3.  Collecting personal information

    ag亚游app网站将依法收集个人信息,通常直接向您收集.  ag亚游app网站可能会从第三方(如信用报告机构)收集个人信息, or our customers and suppliers.  For example, when running a promotion we may collect personal information from a wholesale customer who submits an application on behalf of an end user of our products.

    ag亚游app网站只收集开展业务所必需的个人信息.   您不需要提供ag亚游app网站要求的任何个人信息. However, 如果ag亚游app网站要求的个人信息没有提供, we may not be able to provide you with the products or services requested or engage you to provide products or services to us. 

    ag亚游app网站收集客户的个人信息, prospective customers, users of our products, contractors, suppliers, service providers, employees and prospective employees.

    ag亚游app网站向您收集的个人信息类型将取决于您与ag亚游app网站互动的方式. For example, 您的个人信息将在您购买产品时被收集, fill in an application form, request information or submit a complaint; and it may be collected when you visit this website.

    This information may include, but is not limited to, your name and contact details, date of birth, place of work, credit information and other financial details.

    4.  Collecting sensitive information

    敏感信息是关于一个人的种族或民族出身的个人信息, political opinion, membership of a political, professional or trade association, religious beliefs or affiliations, philosophical beliefs, membership of a trade union, sexual orientation or practices, criminal record, genetic information or health information.

    We will only collect, 在所有适用法律允许的情况下使用或披露有关您的敏感信息, we need the information for one of our functions or activities and we have your consent (or are legally required to deal with the information).

    5.  Storing, using and disclosing personal information

    We will take reasonable steps to store personal information in a secure environment to protect it from misuse, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.  We will also take reasonable steps to securely destroy or de-identify personal information when it is no longer required for the purposes for which we collected it or for legal requirements.

    然而,没有任何网络,包括互联网,是完全安全的. Accordingly, we cannot be responsible for the loss, 贪污或未经授权获取您透过互联网提供的个人资料, including information provided to this website, or for any resulting damage.

    We will use personal information only for the purpose for which it was collected or for related purposes permitted by law.  未经您的同意,ag亚游app网站不会出售、出租或交易您的个人信息.

    In the normal course of our business operations we may disclose personal information to related bodies corporate and other companies engaged to perform services for us, including consultants, IT and internet service providers.  如果ag亚游app网站出售或转让ag亚游app网站的全部或部分业务或资产, ag亚游app网站可能会向业务或这些资产的购买者披露个人信息. We require any person or company to whom we disclose personal information to restrict their use of such information to the purposes for which it has been provided and not to disclose that information to others.  However, except as required under law, we will not be responsible for any damage to you caused by the failure of unaffiliated third parties to honour their privacy obligations to us.

    Personal information provided to us may be located or stored in a country outside the country in which it was collected.  Some countries may not provide the same level of protection of your personal information as the country in which your personal information was collected. 

    ag亚游app网站保持适当的保障措施,以保护您的个人信息不受意外伤害, unlawful or unauthorised access, disclosure or use.  

    6.  Accessing, correcting or updating your information

    ag亚游app网站将采取合理措施确保ag亚游app网站所收集的个人信息, store or use is accurate, complete and up-to-date.   You may access personal information that we hold about you and where appropriate you may request that it be corrected. 如果您希望查看您的个人信息,请联系隐私官.  We will allow access or make the correction unless we consider the law permits or requires us to withhold the information, or not make the correction.

    There is no charge for requesting access to personal information but we may require a person making such request to meet our reasonable costs in providing the access.

    7.  Credit reporting (Australia Only)

    If you apply for credit from us, or are the proposed guarantor for another person, ag亚游app网站可能要求信用报告机构提供您的信用报告.  These credit reports contain information which assists us to assess your application for credit or suitability to act as guarantor.  法律限制ag亚游app网站访问和使用这些信息的目的.


    PO Box 964
    North Sydney  NSW  2059
    Phone: 1300 850 211

    You can contact Veda directly to request a copy of their privacy policy or for information about how they manage your personal information.

    ag亚游app网站可能会将从吠陀获得的信息与ag亚游app网站已经掌握的有关您的信息结合起来.  We will use information sourced from Veda (possibly combined with information we already hold) for several purposes, including:

    • To assess your application for credit;
    • To assess your suitability to act as a guarantor;
    • 执行一般行政和业务任务;
    • 根据相关法律、法规、业务守则和支付系统的要求.

    We collect, manage and use credit information in the same way as we manage all personal information. 

    8.  Internet privacy and cookies

    When you visit one of our websites, information about your device is automatically collected by us or by a third party service provider on our behalf.  We may use analytics service providers to identify generic behavioural patterns on our website (such as Google Analytics).  有可能阻止此类分析服务提供商收集数据, for example, 通过下载谷歌分析选择退出浏览器插件.  收集的信息包括您的IP地址和相关的域名(例如.g., the date and time of your visit to our site, the pages you accessed or downloaded, the address of the last site you visited, 您的操作系统和您使用的浏览器类型. 收集此信息用于统计和系统管理目的. 收集的信息并不能轻易识别个人, and we will not attempt to identify individuals unless it is necessary to do so for law enforcement purposes.

    ag亚游app网站也可能使用“cookie”为您的设备分配用户ID.  A cookie is a small piece of information that is sent to your browser and stored on your computer's hard drive.  cookie包含允许ag亚游app网站识别您的设备的信息, understand your use of our websites, 设置您未来访问的偏好,并决定是否显示标准内容. With most internet browsers, you can erase cookies from your computer hard drive, 阻止所有cookie或在cookie存储之前接收警告. 请参阅您的浏览器说明或帮助屏幕以了解有关这些功能的更多信息. ag亚游app网站对cookies的使用可能对ag亚游app网站网站的运作至关重要.  Therefore, if you disable cookies altogether you may not be able to use all or part of our websites.

    ag亚游app网站的网站可能包含指向非ag亚游app网站拥有或运营的其他网站的链接.  ag亚游app网站不对这些网站的隐私惯例负责, or for the content, product or services provided by, or contained on, those websites.

    9.  遵守《ag亚游app网站》(仅限美国)

    We are in compliance with the requirements of COPPA (Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act); we do not collect any information from anyone under 13 years of age. Our website, products and services are all directed to people who are at least 13 years old or older.

    10.  Changes to this policy

    ag亚游app网站可能会不时更改ag亚游app网站的隐私政策. 目前的政策将在ag亚游app网站的网站上公布 It is your responsibility to check the website periodically in order to determine whether there have been any changes.


    11.  Privacy Contact

    如果您想访问您的个人信息, wish to make a complaint relating to privacy or would otherwise like to contact us about this policy, please direct your request to:

    In Australia:

    In United States of America:

    The Privacy Officer, Incitec Pivot Limited

    2795 East Cottonwood Parkway, Suite 500

    Level 8, 28 Freshwater Place

    Salt Lake City, Utah 84121 USA

    Southbank  VIC  AUSTRALIA  3006


    We will seek to resolve any complaint as soon as reasonably practicable and in any event consistent with our obligations under the law.  如果你的投诉没有得到满意的解决,你可以求助于政府机构.  For example, individuals in Australia may apply to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner to have their complaint heard and determined.